This is an archived website, available until June 2027. We hope it will inspire people to continue to care for and protect the South West Peak area and other landscapes. Although the South West Peak Landscape Partnership ended in June 2022, the area is within the Peak District National Park. Enquiries can be made to

The 5-year South West Peak Landscape Partnership, 2017-2022, was funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Visit to Ecton Mine

Barns and Buildings
Event Name Visit to Ecton Mine
Start Date Mar 20, 2020 10:00 AM
End Date Mar 20, 2020 12:00 PM
Duration 2 hours

Although just outside the official South West Peak boundary, this is an exciting opportunity to visit Ecton Mine's underground and above ground remains!

There are a few places left on a trip organised by Alison Ash, a SWP volunteer and PDNPA volunteer Ranger, to visit Ecton Mine, which takes place on Friday 20th March, 2020. Times to be confirmed.

NB there will be a cost will be £17 for this trip.

Volunteers who sign up via this link will have their names and contact details passed onto Alison so that she can contact you with further information.

If you have any questions please contact Alison at: 

From the Ecton Mine Educational Trust Website, :

"From Bronze Age times, the copper and lead deposits on Ecton Hill were worked for over 3500 years, ceasing in 1891. During this time fortunes were made and lost. In the 18th century the Duke of Devonshire made a profit of over £300 000, said to have financed the building of the magnificent crescent in Buxton. Total ore production is estimated at over 100 000 tonnes, mainly of copper ore.

The whole area is a site of special scientific Interest (SSSI), and the Ecton mine itself is an underground SSSI. The rock exposures at nearby Ape's Tor provide outstanding opportunities for the study of geological structures, which can then be seen again underground in Salt's Level"

Ecton Tour Group