This is an archived website, available until June 2027. We hope it will inspire people to continue to care for and protect the South West Peak area and other landscapes. Although the South West Peak Landscape Partnership ended in June 2022, the area is within the Peak District National Park. Enquiries can be made to

The 5-year South West Peak Landscape Partnership, 2017-2022, was funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Project summary

The Peak Land Lives project was set up to find and tell the tales of farmers and farming in the South West Peak, with a focus on the individual stories of some of the hardy folks feeding the nation.

The project produced the book The Land That Made Us: The Peak District Farmer's Story. Many local farmers and land owners throughout the South West Peak were interviewed to gather a full picture of the history of farming, to examine current issues faced by the industry, and also look forward to the future of farming in the area.

Volunteers helped to collect, edit and curate the large quantities of interview audio files that resulted from this fascinating project. The book and all the interviews it includes were edited and organised by Christine Gregory and Sheila Hine.

You can listen to AUDIO CONTENT of some of the interviews with farmers that feature in The Land That Made Us book. There are 28 different voices to hear.

book cover image

The book is available to buy at the retailers listed below.

Reader review: “Just wanted you to know that I am re- reading the lovely book that you gave me for Christmas - The Land That Made Us - it engenders a feeling of past times when life's priorities were so different.  An excellent read in these troubled times especially as it makes me remember my own childhood in rural Yorkshire- so very similar.”

Available At:

National Park Visitor Centres and Online Shop



Vertebrate Publishing

Peak Land Lives was led and coordinated by The Farming Life Centre and all proceeds from book sales are reinvested back into on-farm projects that support these unsung residents of the South West Peak.

Read more

What we did

  • Told personal stories of farmers throughout the South West Peak
  • Examined the challenges faced by farmers and their families
  • Preserved the legacy of farmers in a full-colour book and an archive of oral histories
  • Discussed the importance of farming in the living landscape of the South West Peak
  • Interpreted farming and its meaning to those outside the farming community

What you can do

  • If you are out walking remember to close and latch gates as you go through them.
  • When walking with your canine companion please keep them on a lead. This ensures they do not inadvertently startle or injure livestock. Remember these animals are a farmer’s livelihood.
  • Take the time to talk to farmers as you are out and about. You will likely learn something new about this dynamic landscape that they work in every day. You might even learn simple things you can do to make their hardworking lives a little easier.
  • Keep in mind that many areas you might not expect are working farms. Respect the land and property of others.



Content Container 1049193

Jelly-o jujubes chocolate cake caramels toffee dragée cake. Croissant chocolate cake halvah pastry sweet roll chocolate cake cake. Marshmallow brownie.

Content Container 1049193

Jelly-o jujubes chocolate cake caramels toffee dragée cake. Croissant chocolate cake halvah pastry sweet roll chocolate cake cake. Marshmallow brownie.

Who's working on this project?

Karen Shelley-Jones

Karen Shelley-Jones

View profile

Sara Smithson

Sara Smithson

View profile

Our partners

  • Farming Life Centre